Burger Alert: The Spread "Cheeseburger"- Best Bar Burger in FFD CTY?

Jeff "jfood" Schlesinger

Executive Chef Carlos Baez assumed the helm of The Spread in SONO a year ago and the menu now completely reflects his vision of flavor and textural combinations. After a movie we decided to enjoy some of his light bites, and when they asked if I would like to try his new burger combination, I quickly agreed.

Chef Baez's "CHEESEBURGER" starts his fantastic combination with a large patty of grass-fed Kobe beef. He melts a few slices of a mild white Cheddar cheese over the patty and then tops the cheese-covered patty with house-made pickled jalapeño peppers, a few slices of crispy bacon, a little shreaded lettuce, a swath of spicy mayo, all encased in a sesame seed bun. The meat was loosely compressed to maintain its medium grind, and the cheese was a delightfully smooth addition. These two ingredients, alone, would have created a fantastic cheeseburger, but Chef Baez elevated the flavors and achieved a perfect balance of salty-spicy-sour with the pickled jalapeño peppers complemented by the bacon. The addition of the spicy mayo was a great finish. The bun was mild in flavor and did not fight with any of the other flavors. This was one great burger.

The French fries were also excellent…be prepared for a few that will tingle the tongue, as Chef Baez sprinkles them with a spicy seasoning. Dip in the ketchup and enjoy in between bites of the burger.

In my constant search for the perfect burger, the new Spread “Cheeseburger” is definitely in the discussion as one of the best. In looking through my Top Bar Burgers for 2014 it is a shame that I did not venture earlier to The Spread, it would definitely challenge for the top spot and would absolutely garner a top 3 placement.

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