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Call, Respond, Then Run to RSVP for Beautiful French in West Cornwall

Features Restaurant Seasonal Road Trip Homepage French Chef's Tasting Tasting Menu Tasting Cornwall West Cornwall Litchfield

Andrew Dominick

Several months ago, I’m certain my reaction to my dear friend, Katy, mentioning RSVP was something like, “Yeah. That means respond.” If we’re being technical, it’s actually “répondez s'il vous plait” or translated from French to English, “respond, if you please.”

Until Katy finished her thought by telling me that RSVP a French restaurant in Litchfield County that she heard about from one of her friends who’s a bartender. “He raves about it,” she said.

As is always the case, time passed. We kind of forgot about RSVP and barely looked into it for weeks, even months. Only occasionally we’d briefly bring it up, referring it as “THAT French place in Cornwall.”