Reheated: BSF Opens & Giving Thanks [Turkey edition] Amy Kundrat November 23, 2010 Reheated is a twice-weekly round-up of bite-sized food news in Connecticut and beyond. In Connecticut... UPDATED: BSF (that's Burgers Shakes & Fries for you burger newbies) opens in Darien the week after Thanksgiving! A Holiday Stroll in New Canaan on December 3 from 6 to 9 pm. Looking for last minute Thanksgiving dinner reservations or caterers? Check out our "A Thanksgiving Day Guide to Take-Out or Eat-In Feasts." Wine, wine everywhere and not a drop to drink with Turkey. Check out our "Thanksgiving Day Wine & Pairing Guide." Don't forget our reader & chef recipes from our CTbites Thanksgiving Virtual Potluck at the right! Bonda's brussel sprouts may make my own menu this year. Our pick for one-stop shopping is Fairway Market in Stamford. ...and beyond. Traveling for Thanksgiving? Don't even think about stowing your infamous cranberry sauce for the family gathering. TSA rules regarding food. Via Google's homepage Thanksgiving send-off is courtesy of Ina Garten. Via A New York Times "Thanksgiving: A User's Manual" Via Chow's iPhone app doubles as your Thanksgiving coach. Via A "Turkey to Pie" FAQ from the Kitchn. Via Still need a center-piece idea? Try quince. Love it when food and style collide. Via Design*Sponge