Souterrain Date Has Been Announced!- (SOLD OUT) Stephanie Webster August 28, 2010 LeFarm has just announced their 2nd Souterrain (underground dining) event! Date: Sunday, October 3, 2010 Rain or Shine. Time: 3:30pm Location: 31 miles NW from LeFarm (256 Post Road East, Westport) Reservations are accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Email and request a credit card authorization form. You will be notified via email that your reservation has been accepted or that they are already full in which case they add you to a wait list. The exact location of the event will be emailed to you on October 2, 2010. If you will not have email access that day, please let them know so they can call you. Check out our Flickr Photo Gallery from the first Souterrain event.