Features Asian Cooking Classes Education Food Writing 101: Write Your Appetite w/ Corinne Trang Stephanie Webster September 15, 2010 Want to learn how to write about food from an award-winning cookbook author? Corinne Trang has written numerous cookbooks & has been dubbed the "Julia Child of Asian cuisine." She has published in Food & Wine, Health, Cooking Light, and Saveur. If you ever wanted to write a cookbook, start a food blog, review a restaurant, or write a food memoir, join Corinne Trang for a FREE workshop on food writing. She'll guide you through your first short food piece starting with describing your favorite food, learning to create a recipe and a story around it. Space is limited, RSVP and be sure to bring your favorite fruit and vegetable! Thursday, Sept. 30th is Corinne's Free Workshop: "Write Your Appetite" @ 7:15pm, Writers' Room, 252 Post Road East, Westport. Register via email: tishpatrick@gmail.com or phone 203.557.4614 Once you've whet your appetite…You can sign up for her 8 week session. Workshop Write Your Appetite: Recipes and Stories about Food 8 Sessions. Choose one of three sections: Tuesday 7-9pm, Tuesdays 10am -12 or Saturdays 1-3pm. Tuesdays: 0ct. 5, 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9, 11 & 30th. Saturdays Oct. 2, 9, 23, 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20, Dec. 4 Indulge in your favorite food not with fork in hand but with words. In this 8-week workshop you will learn how to describe food evocatively, write a proper recipe, tell a story, and more. Who knows, it may inspire you to start your very own food blog, or your personal cookbook is a wonderful gift (in time for Christmas). Bring some kind of food to each class that you would enjoy. We will show you how to create and print a cookbook. Limited to 8 Writers' Room, Colonial Green, 252 Post Road East, Westport 203.557.4614