Reheated: A New Location for Michele's Pies

Amy Kundrat

Reheated is a twice-weekly round-up of bite-sized food news in Connecticut and beyond. 

In Connecticut...

Michele's Pies is opening a new location in Westport in the former Baskin Robins location.

Anthony Bourdain will appear in Stamford on February 12 at Stamford's Center for the Arts.

The Fairfield Winter Farmer Market at the Greenfield Hill Grange in Fairfield is now open in a new location: at 1873 Hillside Rd,  Saturdays, 10 to 1 pm.

Bernard's Restaurant is hosting Monica & Sarah's Excellent Birthday Dinner this Friday, Jan. 21. Tickets $95, reservations via Bernards.

Milford's Got Chef Truck has a new location at the Train Station
. Via Mobile Food News.

Toscana Restaurant in Ridgefield will present a Brunello & a Burger dinner for $39.99 a person on Wednesday, January 19. Via

...and beyond.

Coffee porn. Photos of New York City coffee shops. Via the New York Times.

The new Starbucks trenta cup is actually larger than your stomach. Via

And in more unnecessarily large beverage news, Scotch Whiskey in a can. Via

Art and food collide in Marina Abramovic's latest sweet work. Via the New York Times.

If you take breakfast seriously, you'll want to check out this waffle-maker round-up. Via Wall Street Journal.

If you have CT food news you want to share with CTbites, please send it to for consideration.