Chozen Ice Cream: Happy Chanukah From CTbites Stephanie Webster December 20, 2011 Every now and then I do a double take while walking the aisle of my local grocery stores. This often occurs at Trader Joe's as their product offerings often border on "experimental," but I had just such a moment at Whole Foods Market in Westport when I saw these in the freezer section. This premium ice cream from Chozen is made with all natural ingredients and is certified kosher. Chozen All Natural Ice Cream is the brainchild of Ronne Fisher and her daughters, Meredith Fisher and Isabelle Krishana, who decided to create a line of ice cream that was inspired by all the best desserts from the jewish holidays, each based on recipes from local bakers. Flavors include: Ronne's Rugelah, Matzoh Crunch, Coconut Macaroon, Chocolate Gelt, Chocolate Babka, and Apples & Honey. Enjoy a dessert with a sense of humor this holiday season. Happy Chanukah from CTbites. Check out their review in The NY Times. Chozen can be found at Whole Foods Market, but check your individual location before driving over.