What's in Season: Peaches

Tina Rupp

This week I went to Bishop's Orchard in Guilford. Accompanied by my 9 month old, we "both" went peach picking for the first time. She plucked the leaves that we're tickling her face as I maneuvered under the branches with her on my left hip, while I picked one peach at a time with my right hand.

It was just like apple picking although the peaches weren't ripe enough to eat off the trees. I let them ripen on the counter for a few days then they at last became soft, sweet,  juicy and camera ready.

While I was intimately photographing these peaches, I remembered my cousin's wedding several summers ago. At her wedding dinner, she had wedding cake and peach pie for dessert.  It was very fitting because she loves peach pie and perfect being in the Berkshires with amazingly delicious peaches in season.

Remembering this made me want to make a peach pie with the bounty I picked. Here are some links to peach recipes I'm going to try.

Tina's Peach Recipe Links: 

Peach Butter | Smitten Kichen

Peach Shortcake | David Lebowitz

Freestyle Peach Tart | Dorie Greenspan

Peach Crumble | Martha Stewart