Bar Sugo & Chocopologie "Chef Swap" Event CTbites Team January 10, 2013 Want more great fun? Pat Pascarella and Fritz Knipschildt have another great idea. After the CTbites announcement of the first Artisan Iron Chef, the event sold out in one day. So as any good marketer and restaurateur knows, success breeds success. So CTbites is pleased to announce that Bar Sugo’s Pat Pascarella will both team up with and compete against Chocopologie’s Fritz Knipschildt in “Chef Swap.” Mark your calendars with these dates… On February 25th Pat will don the sous chef role for Fritz at Chocopologie to create a four-course extravaganza. And then on the following night February 26th the two will perform role reversal at Bar Sugo. But as anyone who watches Iron Chef knows there is the twist of the secret ingredient. In this case, four days prior to the event Pat will choose the secret ingredient for Fritz and Fritz will likewise choose an ingredient for Pat. And yet another twist in the event. Mimi McLaughlin and Jeff Marron of Saugatuck Grain and Grape will need to pair the wines at the last minute...using only those wines that are currently on hand at each location. Now that should make for an incredible challenge. Stay tuned to CTbites as we work with the two to present this event which will surely sell out as quickly as the first. Make sure to call Bar Sugo at (203-956-7134) or Chocopologie at (203) 854-4754 and reserve your slots.