Maple Syrup Tap-a-Tree Class @ Ambler Farm CTbites Team January 15, 2013 It's that time of year again. Sign up for Ambler Farms immensely popular, Maple Syrup Tap-a-Tree program. Sign up quickly...these classes fill up fast. Training sessions are either: Sat., Feb. 9th at either 10-11am or 1-2pm. Learn the science and history of maple syruping by being a hands-on part of the process. We will send regular updates on the running of the sap so you can come to the Farm to collect sap from your tree. We will boil down the sap in our sugar shack and send each family home with their very own bottle of Ambler Farm maple syrup.The season runs from early February to mid-March (a typical season is five weeks long). If you are traveling during February or March, we will collect sap for you. $65 per non-member family/$60 per member family. Register here.