"Food Trucks in the Valley" September 18 w/ 15+ Food Trucks!

CTbites Team

Parent Child Resource Center hosts "Food Trucks in the Valley" on September 18th, 4 - 8 pm (rain date the 23rd). Food Truck in the Valley is a FREE event with 15+ food trucks, wine and beer, ciders, live music, a car show, and childrens' activities such as face-painting, hula hooping, candy art and more. 

Food Trucks in the Valley will be held at The Shelton Riverwalk and is the first event of its kind in the area. Proceeds support PCRC's programs that serve children and families, most of whom suffer from trauma, abuse and neglect

Food Truck & Vendor Lineup

Check Us Out @:

Facebook: Food Trucks in the Valley

Twitter: @ValleyFTs

Instagram: ValleyFoodTrucks