Restaurant Author Chef Talk An Evening with Mark Bittman at Yale on October 6 Amy Kundrat September 28, 2014 Photo c/o MarkBittman.comMark Bomford, Director of the Yale Sustainable Food Project will lead a conversation with author and New York Times columnist Mark Bittman on October 8, 2014 from 6 to 7 pm. The talk will take place at Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona, 1 Prospect Street in New Haven. This event is hosted by the Yale Sustainable Food Program.The talk is being hosted in conjunction with the release of his new book,How to Cook Everything Fast: A Better Way to Cook Great Food, Bittman is speaking at Yale and will be on-hand following the talk to sign books. About Mark BittmanMark Bittman, whose “Minimalist” column ran in the Dining section of the New York Times for more than 13 years, is a Times Opinion columnist, the lead food writer for The Times Magazine, and a columnist for the Times Dining section. His books include the bestselling How to Cook Everything series and the groundbreaking Vegan Before 6 P.M. (VB6), where he provides all the necessary tools for making the switch to a Flexitarian diet with lists for stocking the pantry, strategies for eating away from home in a variety of situations, pointers for making cooking on a daily basis both convenient and enjoyable, and a complete 28-day eating plan showing VB6 in action. For more information on Mark Bittman, visit