Restaurant CT Farms New Haven Bren Smith, Founder of Ocean Farming Non-profit GreenWave, Awarded Buckminster Fuller Challenge Award Amy Kundrat November 24, 2015 Bren Smith, the founder of GreenWave and Thimble Island Oyster Farm, an ocean farming non profit based in New Haven, has been making headlines recently as the recent recipient of the prestigious Buckminster Fuller Challenge. The award recognizes GreenWave's design for the world’s first multi-species 3D ocean farms. The non profit's work aims to restore ocean ecosystems while creating jobs in coastal communities through restorative ocean farmers. In addition to the New Yorker's "Is Seaweed the Next Superfood?," listen to a recent story on One of the most prestigious prizes in sustainability, the Fuller Challenge, has been awarded to a commercial fisherman turned entrepreneur who once worked on factory trawlers pillaging the seas of fish. Following hurricanes Irene and Sandy, Bren Smith, founder of the ocean farming non-profit GreenWave, said he had a change of heart and began to search for a more sustainable form of fishing seafood.