Learn How to Make Your Own Wine w/ Southern Connecticut Wine Company Classes

Stephanie Webster
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Wanna learn how to make your own wine? Wallingford’s Southern Connecticut Wine Company www.soconnwineco.com is Connecticut’s first micro winery and they have a few spots open in their fall SoConnWine CoOp. The CoOp kicks off on Saturday, September 16th with a full day of crushing grapes from 12pm - 4pm at SoConn. No barefeet required — the winery has machines for that Crushing will continue every Saturday through October 7th. CoOp members can come once, or come all four Saturdays. Lots of sips of wine are included at every CoOp event. 

What’s a wine co-op? It’s a group of individuals or pairs who come together to learn about wine, socialize and make wine. Everyone buys shares of the CoOp and is involved in crushing and pressing grapes, transporting it into barrels and tanks to ferment and follows the 10-month wine making process. When the wine is ready, members of the CoOp bottle it, cork it, name their own vintage, put a personal label on it and take home a few cases of the wine they made. 

Each share costs $540. A share gets the shareholder 3 cases of wine and entry to all CoOp related and exclusive winery events. It’s a great activity for a pair of friends who like wine and/or couples to share in together. 

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