Guide to Connecticut's "Pick Your Own" Fruit Farms — CT Bites

Guide to Connecticut's "Pick Your Own" Fruit Farms

Carly Terzigni

It’s summer, which means it’s time to head to your local farm for some fruit picking! It doesn’t get fresher than picking your own fruit straight from the source, especially when they’re in season! Organized by county, the following farms have at least one type of seasonal fruit available during the year as a pick-your-own experience.

Note that the following fruit harvest seasons are approximate as it varies from year to year depending on a number of factors, including weather. With the warm temperatures we’re seeing this June, some picking seasons may move along faster than usual. This means strawberry season could wrap up early, but blueberries and raspberries could start early, too. Check with the farm you wish to visit to confirm current fruit availability.

Here is an approximation for some of the more popular fruits you may want to pick this year.


Strawberries: Mid-June through Early July

Raspberries: Late June through Late July

Blueberries: Mid-July through Late August

Apples: Early August Mid-November

Pears: Mid-August through Late September

The following key will note what prominent berries the farms are known for, but keep in mind they may have other products available, too! Be on the lookout for other seasonal fruits in each description, like peaches, pears, black raspberries, pumpkins (yes…pumpkins are a fruit if you can believe it!), and more. 

S = Strawberries

B = Blueberries

R = Raspberries

Fairfield County

Jones Family Farms-Shelton (S, B)

Throughout the year, their 400-acre farm offers one of the finest harvest-your-own picking experiences. Their hours can change during the season due to weather and picking conditions. Please call ahead before visiting for daily information or if you have any questions.


Silverman’s Farm-Easton (B, R)

The first weeks of July bring the much-awaited BERRY PICKING!! Raspberries and blueberries are ready and looking for good homes. Mid-July will kick off PEACH PICKING!  Ginger Gold apples will be ready to harvest in mid-August. Yes, Apples start in August!

Hartford County

Belltown Hill Orchards-South Glastonbury (B) 

The pick-your-own fields are open from mid-June to late October, and blueberry, sweet cherry, and pumpkin picking are available when in season! Their farm-fresh, hand-picked produce is a great way to bring home delicious fruits and veggies for baking and fresh, nutritious snacks! Their farm is famous for our pick-your-own apples, offering over 24 varieties!

Brown’s Harvest-Windsor (S, B)

Stop by and pick your own Strawberries & Blueberries. They also sell pre-picked quarts & pints fresh daily. They are open during the picking season 7 days a week! Pick your own can be on a limited basis, crop-depending, so please continue to check their Facebook Page or give them a call for up-to-date times & field conditions before visiting. The berry season can be very short, so take advantage of it

Donderdo Orchards-South Glastonbury (S, B, R) 

Come enjoy their Pick-Your-Own Farm Dinners, delicious Bakery, Greenhouse, and more. They provide only the top quality for you, your family, and your friends! 

Dzen Farms-East Windsor (S, B) 

Our pick-your-own strawberry farm is perfected throughout the seasons to ensure that you and your family have the finest selection of berries. The strawberry season is short but tasty and usually runs from early June to July 4. Pick-your-own strawberries are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. during picking season.

Easy Pickin’s Orchard-Enfield (S, B, R) 

A great outdoor activity for the whole family!  They open our orchard and berry patches, one of our vegetable fields, and an herb & flower garden, for you to come and enjoy a great farming experience. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and Asian Pears are available when in season.

The Pickin Patch-Avon (S, B) 

The area's largest selection of PYO and picked veggies & small fruits! Stand open April through October with flowers & plants. Free hayrides to PYO pumpkin fields on weekends.

U-Pick Strawberries at Starvish Farm-East Windsor (S) 

U-Pick Strawberries offers both pick-your-own and already-picked strawberries. U-Pick Strawberries is open seven days a week from late May until early July. Come pick your own strawberries and enjoy fun for the whole family!

Walnut Ledge Farm-South Glastonbury (B) 

Walnut Ledge Farm is a chemical-free 14-acre family farm nestled in the rich farming community of South Glastonbury, CT. Blueberry picking will be available this season from July 5 to August 4, open Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., and evening hours Monday through Thursday, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Litchfield County

Deeply Rooted Farms-Harwinton (S, R) 

Strawberries are ready now for picking! With the warm temperatures, the season is going to move very quickly with the warm temperatures so those looking to pick for the freezer or jam should not delay! They are preparing more fields to actively manage crop rotation and provide new grounds for expanding our berry operation. Please stop by for a visit, meet the family, and be sure to try the best-tasting strawberries you’ve ever experienced!   

Evergreen Berry Farm-Watertown (R) 

Pick-your-own berry farm, located in the beautiful Litchfield Hills of CT, organically managed with special attention to soil biology and nutrition. Note that they have shifted operations and are now solely focusing on Black Raspberries, which are setting fruit for picking in July. It’s a short season follow their posts as the berries come along so you don’t miss them!

Fort Hill Farm-New Milford (S)

When in season, strawberries can be picked at the PYO patch, which is open 30 minutes before and after farmstand hours.

Litchfield Hills Blueberry Farm-Plymouth (B) 

Come and pick your own blueberries while you enjoy our beautiful view of the Litchfield Hills! The weather has been kind, and they are on track for an early July opening. The actual 2024 opening date and per-pound price are to be determined. 

March Farm-Bethlehem (B) 

March Farm is a fourth-generation family farm destination offering seasonal Pick-Your-Own berries and fruit along with family-friendly activities. Blueberries are available from mid-July through August, and Peaches also become available in July.

Maple Bank Farm-Roxbury (B) 

Blueberry picking normally begins at the beginning of July, so now is the time to start preparing your visit to Maple Bank Farm. In the meantime, stop in for spring greens, potted flowers, herbs, and veggies.

Ruwet Berry Scary Acres-Torrington (S, B) 

We are a 3rd generation family-owned farm growing fruits & vegetables from Spring to Fall. Each family member takes part in planting, cultivating, harvesting, baking

and enjoying the ability to service our communities.

Middlesex County

Gottas Farm and Cider Mill-Portland (S) 

We are the proud growers of quality plants, fruits, vegetables, and full ornamentals, and we offer strawberries, peaches, apples, and pears that you can pick yourself when they are in season. Pick-your-own Strawberries are available for early summer! Picking is available 8 am – 1 pm, weather permitting. 

Lyman Orchards-Middlefield (S, B, R) 

Connecticut’s premier orchard with family-friendly events, pick-your-own fruit, farm market, award-winning pies, sunflower, and corn mazes, and a year-round golf course. They invite you to enjoy being a farmer for a morning or afternoon and pick nearly 100 varieties of fruits from mid-June until the end of October, including Honeyberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Jostaberries, Peaches, Nectarines, Apples and Pears.

Scott’s Farms-Deep River (B, R) 

Their Deep River farm offers Pick Your Own blueberries, peaches and apples when in season. Always call before coming for updated picking availability.

New Haven County

Bishop’s Orchards-Guilford (S, B, R) 

The 2024 PYO Season is officially here. They look forward to having your family and friends enjoy the fun and experience of our popular Pick-Your-Own season at Bishop’s Orchards! Plan ahead and see when your favorite fruit will be ready for picking to snack on shortly after picking or to prepare delicious meals or canned jams. Please call 203-458-PICK for more information, including hours and location.

High Hill Orchard-Meriden (B, R) 

Apples, blueberries, fruit, farm store, garlic, herbs, melons, peaches, pears, pick-your-own (fruit only), squash, vegetables.

Norton Bros. Fruit Farm-Cheshire (B, R) 

Here at Norton Brothers Fruit Farm, they work hard to grow the highest quality fruits for you. They offer several varieties of peaches, apples, pears, and blueberries for you to pick-your-own. Bags are provided at no cost. 

Rose Orchards Farms-North Branford (S, R) 

Pick Your Own is available seasonally for ​Strawberries, Peaches, Apples, Pears, and Raspberries. When each fruit is in season, the hours are 9 am-5 pm daily.

New London County

Grant’s Berry Patch-Lisbon (S, B, R) 

At Grants Berry Patch, they offer a Pick Your Own option for buying seasonal fruit from June through October. Bring your family and friends, and have a great time! There is also a large variety of summer and fall vegetables, including but not limited to two of their most sought-after crops: sweet corn and tomatoes.

Holmberg Orchards-Gales Ferry (B, R) 

Pick-your-own is available from 9:00 to 1:00, Tuesday through Sunday (closed Mondays). Raspberries start mid-June. This is an early year for raspberries, and the heat will likely keep pushing them along. The picking is fantastic now and should continue for the next few weeks. Their blueberries will be available starting early to mid-July.

Scott’s Yankee Farmer-East Lyme (S, B, R) 

Scott’s Yankee Farmer offers a seasonal rotation of pick-your-own fruit, including Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, and more! Be sure to check that they are open for picking before you come to the farm!

Tolland County

Scantic Valley Farm-Somers (S, B) 

They are a family-owned farm in Somers that offers pick-your-own blueberries and strawberries in the summer. At last… the long-awaited time of year is here, and the first strawberries of the season are ripe and ready! This season, their hours will be based on ripening and demand. Check their Facebook page for the most up-to-date information.

Windham County

Buell’s Orchard-Eastford (S, B) 

Their strawberries are some of the juiciest, sweetest you've ever tasted. They open their fields Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. until noon and again from 6 to 8 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays for picking. Strawberries, blueberries, peaches, and more are available seasonally.

Horse Listeners Orchard-Ashford (B, R) 

Pick your own blueberries, apples, peaches, and fresh vegetables! They also have fresh strawberries (when in season) for sale in their General Store.

Raspberry Knoll Farm-North Windham (S, B, R) 

Strawberries and raspberries are available for picking when in season and available. In 2024, things are moving along earlier than usual – they have already moved onto raspberry picking for the season, with strawberries returning in 2025.

Woodstock Orchards-Woodstock (B) 

Woodstock Orchards is a family-run farm. Local Grown is the key to this farm! Their Blueberries, Peaches, and Paula Reds are all sizing nicely for the 2024 picking season.