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40+ CT Spots Featuring Fall Flavors & Specials: It's Pumpkin Time!

Features Fall Treats Pumpkin Season Fall Specials Homepage

April Guilbault

Oh, Great Pumpkin, where are you??! Welp, right here. All over Connecticut, in fact, along with its great seasonal compatriots, crisp apples and cider donuts. We’ve waited 266 days to officially and gloriously welcome in, quite possibly, the best time of the year. I’m pretty convinced there is in existence a 13th zodiac symbol-The Pumpkin-for those of you who embrace autumn the way sweatah-weathah embraces you. So, get your fall favorites on and savor it all! This list should put you in good stead for the next thirty days or so. Pumpkin spice hugs coming your way!

40+ Spots for Pumpkin Inspired Menu Specials, Beer, Ice Cream, Pasta, Baked Goods & Oh So Much More

Features Roundup Pumpkin Season Seasonal Fall Treats ct beer Homepage

April Guilbault

Pumpkin, pumpkin everywhere. Isn’t autumn divine?! And how crazy that we all get so excited about, well, a gourd. Life is funny but it’s that time of year to embrace the crazy and roll with the pumpkins. From fancy-schmancy drinks to sumptuous desserts, handmade raviolis, cakes and sweets, pumpkin has hit everything that stands still. Get on the haywagon, it’s a good one!

Here are 30+ spots to savor pumpkin season in EVERY WAY possible.