Ted's Steamed Burgers - 60+ Years and Going Strong in Meriden CT
Restaurant Burgers Meriden Old School Comfort Food Lunch
Iconic…, best of…, like none other…, you gotta go to. When it comes to the superlatives, Ted’s Restaurant in Meriden has received more than its fair share for its steamed hamburger. Yup, the burgers are steamed. After close to 1,000 Connecticut burger notches on my belt, I almost feel like apologizing for not previously trying this historical Connecticut landmark. The steamed cheeseburger, also referred to as a "steamer" or "cheeseburg,” is believed to have been invented at a restaurant called "Jack's Lunch" in Middletown, Connecticut, in the 1930s. Others dispute this claim, stating that the steamed burger’s origin is none other than Ted’s Restaurant in Meriden. Regardless of its origin, Ted’s has received too many awards to mention, and on a warm, summer afternoon, I decided to visit.