Recap: Bourdain Delivers Truth and Humor at Foxwoods

Hope Simmons

Anthony Bourdain: chef, world traveler, writer, straight shooter, father to a 9-year-old. Lest you think fatherhood has softened him, he’s still telling it exactly like it is and had the crowd roaring throughout his show at Foxwoods last weekend.

A chef for 30 years before we got to know him through our respective TVs, Bourdain jetted around the globe in search of bizarre foods before anyone knew Andrew Zimmern. His commentary, with a signature side of irreverence, covered everything from politics to the food biz to his daughter, who just happens to be an adventurous eater herself.

To critics who eschew the familiar green bottle of beer that sometimes graces his table, he minces no words. “I like craft beer and I’m glad that our craft beer scene has expounded … but do you know what beer I really like? I like cold f*@%ing beer!”

And during this season of pumpkin spice, spare him. “I hate pumpkin spice!” He doesn’t want it in anything but pumpkin pie. The man has spoken. This is the word of Bourdain. OK, shhh, don’t tell, but I’ll have his portion.

CTbites and the author were not compensated for this post; tickets to the event were provided without charge. The opinions contained herein are solely those of the author.