Need Groceries? CT Farm Stands Are Open! (via CT Food and Farm Magazine) — CT Bites

Need Groceries? CT Farm Stands Are Open! (via CT Food and Farm Magazine)

CTbites Team

Can’t find the groceries you need in a store near you? Would you rather shop outdoors vs indoors? Or would you like to just support our local farmers? We bring you this exhaustive list of Connecticut Farm Stands offering tons of local produce, generously compiled by Connecticut Food and Farm Magazine. Take a road trip to a farm stand near…or far.

Fairfield County

Stone Gardens Farm corned beef brisket and other locally grown fresh and frozen meats, fresh produce, eggs, and prepared foods and soups, 10-5 daily, 83 Saw Mill City Rd, Shelton

The Hickories Order online and pick up at the farm. They have veggies, eggs, milk & pork right now.  The pickup times are Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 10am-5pm.  Wait until you have a confirmation email.

Hartford County

Sub Edge Farm every day, 10-6. 199 Town Farm Rd., Farmington. We have our eggs, lots of pork, honey and some other local products like cheese and pickles.

Hastings Farm open Monday through Saturday 9 am to 6 pm no matter what! We have milk, yogurt, beef, honey, etc. 472 Hill St, Suffield

Easy Pickin's Orchard fresh produce including baby kale mix & spinach both fresh-cut, cabbages / carrots / potatoes / onions, frozen blue- & rasp-berries, and lots of apples. Saturday 9am to 1pm, 46 Bailey Rd, Enfield

Killam & Bassette Farmstead, LLC 14 Tryon Street, South Glastonbury, honor system open 9:00-6;30 every day - free range eggs, farm raised, USDA pork, USDA chicken backs (great for soups & stocks), jams, relishes, pickles, apple sauces, & chow. Meat pick up by appt - 860-833-0095. All non-gmo, nitrate & steroid free. No growth hormones either!

Smyths Trinity Farm their own milk, yogurt, cream, butter, eggs. 4 Oliver Rd, Enfield. M-F: 6-6, Sat: 6-4.

Maple View Farm has beef and pork, eggs and milk from Sweet Pea Cheese. Open everyday 8am-8pm cash check PayPal or Venmo. 192 Salmon Brook St, Granby.

Hayes Farm 1868 has milk, yogurt, ice cream, fresh eggs, grass fed beef, farm raised pork, chicken, and goat meat. Honey, marinara sauce, jams / jellies, maple syrup etc. Open Mon-Fri 3pm-6pm, Sat-Sun 10am-6pm, 269 Hayes Rd, Rocky Hill

Lost Acres Orchard In addition to an extensive selection of soups, breads and dinner options (pot pies, quiche, meatballs, mac & cheese, etc) in our freezer, this week we are also making Moroccan Lentil Soup, Chicken Butternut Quinoa Soup (both gluten and dairy free), Pasta e Fagioli, Rosemary Flatbread, a new Apple Spice Granola, Cranberry Pecan Chicken Salad and Roasted Carrot Hummus. 130 Lost Acres Rd, North Granby, Weds-Sun, 9-5

New London County

Cato Corner Farm fine farmstead cheeses from our Jersey girls' milk. Fri-Sun, 10-4, 178 Cato Corner Rd, Colchester

Campbell's Farm Stand We’re open Saturday and Sunday with local beef, pork, honey, and maple syrup. 1 Campbell Rd, Jewett City

Brush Hill Dairy LLC bottled raw cow’s milk, meats, eggs, 9-6 daily, 87 Brush Hill Rd, Bozrah

Buttercup Farm + Wildowski Dairy ! OPEN EVERYDAY! All day till we leave around 5! Milks, meats, eggs and ice cream! Thanks for supporting your local farmers!! 20 Nygren rd. Lisbon

FireFly Farms, 96 Button Road, N. Stonington, CT. Tuesday through Saturday 7:30 until 2:30. Other times by appointment. We have heritage SOY FREE, Certified Humane Randall Beef and Veal, Mulefoot Pork, 5 types of Chicken (three heritage), Turkeys and Muscovy Duck eggs. Please phone or text 860.912.2553. or email Shipping is easy and cheap within a 300 radius of the farm via UPS. We ship on Tuesdays.

Sweet Grass Creamery We are fully stocked with our Jersey creamline milk, yogurt, cheese, icecream, local beef, pork, chicken, eggs, baked goods, and more. 51 Mattern Road, Preston. Open daily 9 - 6pm.

Kindred Crossings Farm LLC, Franklin. Grass fed beef, non-GMO lamb & pork. Daily pickups by appointment only. PM your order and we'll have it ready to go for you!

Four Mile River Farm frozen beef cuts, ground beef, eggs, and some of Irene’s hand hooked rugs, 124 Four Mile River Road, Old Lyme, 8-6 daily.

Scarpa Ledge Farm, Beef, pork, Lamb, chicken, goat and other cuts, Colchester (checking on hours and address)

Cold Spring Farm, Eggs; Meats: beef, pork, chicken, lamb; Produce & Greens; Fresh & Dried Herbs; Canned Goods; Cow & Goat Milk; Butter; Honey; Maple Syrup; Oils & Balsamics; Breads; More! 46 Town Road, Colchester. Open Every Day from Dawn ‘til Dusk.

The Landing Strip Farm, grass finished ground beef, eggs, and goat milk. Th 3-5, Fri 5-6, 133 East Hebron Turnpike, Lebanon

Broad Brook Acres, chicken, pork and beef, Old Jewett City Rd, Preston, pm or text your order to 860-389-2323 and we will have it ready for you for pick up!

Windham County

Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm homemade turkey pot pies, pasture raised meats including own turkey, chicken, beef, pork, goat and lamb; ice cream, farm bakery, and other local products, Saturday and Sunday, 11-5, 227 Ekonk Hill Rd, Moosup

Dove Hill Farm LLC, fresh duck and chicken eggs, roadside, from 7 am- 4 pm daily, 110 Plainfield Rd, Moosup

Pinecroft Farms, LLC We have beef,chicken, eggs, seasonings, cheese, soaps, syrup, honey. 159 Butts Rd, Woodstock Open 9-6p daily.

Farm To Table Market our own (Elm Farm) milk and meats. Bread, pastry, Tulmeadow Farm ice cream and Cabot Cheese. 324 Woodstock Rd, Woodstock, 10-6:30 daily.

Horse Listeners Orchard We are open Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm. Fully stocked farm store with apples, veggies, maple syrup, honey, eggs, butter, cheese, fresh cut lettuce, kale and more! 317 Bebbington Rd, Ashford

Woodstock Creamery at Valleyside Farm creamline milk, Skyr style yogurt, Labneh cheeses, traditional yogurt, dips, drinkable yogurts & our various flavored milks. 210 Child Hill Rd, Woodstock, 9-6 M-Sat, 10-6 Sun

Our Kids Farm,LLC local meats, cheeses, milk, canned items 357 Barstow Road Canterbury, Thursday-Sat 10-5, Sunday 10-4

Westview Farm Farm, grass fed & grass finished beef and chicken & duck eggs. Open Fridays 4-6 or by appointment! Call ((860) 928-7491), email ( or message us on Facebook. 209 Prospect St, East Woodstock.

Granpa K Farm Eggs, beef, lamb, by appointment only in Brooklyn, email

Stone Hill Farm CT Grassfed, pasture-raised beef, eggs, 265 Gendron Road Plainfield, Open by appointment, call 860-884-6629

Bad Toad Farm, eggs and meats. Cornell Road, Plainfield, By appointment, please call or text 860-334-1138.

Swampy Acres Farm beef, lamb, pork, chicken and turkey. Open on weekends (not sure on hours) and by appointment. 350 Lisbon Road, Canterbury (860) 617-9012

Tolland County

Bluebird Farm pasture raised eggs and meats, preserves, jams, salts, and seasoned rubs, local handcrafts 8-6 daily, 211 Jared Sparks Rd, Willington

Stearns Farm Stand We are stocked with fresh Mountain Dairy milk, eggs, pies and homemade ice cream. Come on over this weekend at 483 Browns rd., Storrs. Open 10-5.

Brookside Garden Center beef, pork, honey and eggs, 46 Hartford Turnpike, Tolland, CT Monday through Saturday 8 to 4

Taylor Spring Farm, chicken, beef, pork, eggs, soap, 558 Buckley Hwy (Rt. 190) Union CT. Sat-Sun 9-2 or by appointment. 860 949-2575.

Yankee Chicken Company natural pasture raised chickens, 8-6 daily, 40, Seckar Road, Willington

Fish Family Farm Creamery & Dairy, eggs, bottled milk and ice cream, M-S, 8-7, 20 Dimock Ln, Bolton

Copper Hill Farm Pork, turkey including ground turkey and lots of delicious eggs.144 Hall Hill Rd, Somers, Tues + Thurs 4-6, Sun 10-4.

Middlesex County

Penfield Farm Free-range, Grass-fed, meats raised without hormones and antibiotics. We offer Aged Black Angus Beef, Berkshire Pork, Lamb, Chicken, Duck, Emu. Sat 9-3, 51 Ames Hollow Road, Portland.

Litchfield County

Why Not Farm, Angus beef, contact to arrange pickup or delivery,, 203-509-6325, or 203-685-767393 Kasson Rd, Bethlehem

Freund's Farm Market & Bakery bakery, prepared foods, meats, veggies, eggs, 324 Norfolk Rd, East Canaan, 9-5 daily

Barden Farm Market 🥩Meats🥚Eggs🌱Greens🥖Bread + scratch made soup, granola, milk, 510 Main Street, New Hartford, 7 days a week (not sure of the exact hours)