
Filtering by Tag: Roundup

Guide To Juice Bars in Connecticut (2023 Edition)

Features Restaurant Guide Best of CT Roundup Juice Cleanse Juicing Healthy Eats Health & Wellness Smoothies Acai Bowl Homepage Highlight

April Guilbault

Would the New Year transition be complete without some kind of purging and rearranging (um, no)? After the cookies and cocktails of the holiday season, vibrant fruit and vegetable juices and some super-duper, feel good cleanses might just be the reset that your bod is craving. Just think of it like a Home Edit for your, well, ultimate *home*. Feel free to label and color coordinate all you please. 

Enjoy our ultimate Guide to Juice Bars in Connecticut.

CTbites Staff Picks For Top Eats of 2022 (Plus Special Guest Eaters)

Features Restaurant Best of CT Top Eats Roundup Awards Homepage

CTbites Team

It’s that time of year, when the CTbites staff temporarily puts down our forks, and contemplates our most memorable annual eats. 2022 saw an explosion of restaurateurs and chefs entering the Connecticut culinary scene, and the CTBites team, alongside some special guest reviewers below, did our best to eat it all. There were some clear standouts, restaurants that you’ll find repeated in the “top eats” lists below, and some more hidden gems you should add to your dining dance card.

In 2022 restaurants continued to struggle with both labor and supply shortages, and yet, chefs continued to innovate, creating memorable dishes, and sharing their love for cooking with Connecticut diners. It is critical that in 2023 we continue to support our favorite restaurants, chefs, bartenders, and front of house staff, who work so hard to bring you a unique and tasty experience. Be kind when you dine. And with that in mind, here are CTbites’ TOP EATS 2022.

40+ Spots for Pumpkin Inspired Menu Specials, Beer, Ice Cream, Pasta, Baked Goods & Oh So Much More

Features Roundup Pumpkin Season Seasonal Fall Treats ct beer Homepage

April Guilbault

Pumpkin, pumpkin everywhere. Isn’t autumn divine?! And how crazy that we all get so excited about, well, a gourd. Life is funny but it’s that time of year to embrace the crazy and roll with the pumpkins. From fancy-schmancy drinks to sumptuous desserts, handmade raviolis, cakes and sweets, pumpkin has hit everything that stands still. Get on the haywagon, it’s a good one!

Here are 30+ spots to savor pumpkin season in EVERY WAY possible.

Guide To Great Coffee in Connecticut: Happy National Coffee Day 2022!

Restaurant Features Roundup Best of CT Coffee Espresso Coffee Shop Breakfast homepage Highlight

April Guilbault

September 29th is National Coffee Day. If this listing was a coffee cup it would be a mega-super-duper-de-booper-trente. To make the (brewing) process easier for you to discover fabulous-and sometimes hidden- java joints to caffeinate or simply enjoy the velvety and multi-faced notes of a fine cup of’ Joe, we have divided this list by county. Enjoy the thrill of a new favorite spot or re-visit an old favorite.The slow pour has already begun as you read this…

Enjoy our guide to the best places to get coffee in the state of Connecticut.

2022 Connecticut Food Truck Guide: 100+ Local Food Trucks

Features Restaurant Best of CT Roundup Food Truck Food Truck Park Caterers Catering

CTbites Team

Summer means travel, fun, parties, festivals…and food trucks! Our state is happily overflowing (in a good way) with great eats and many of them will be rolling through your town in the coming months. You can also book many of them for your next event, which translates to easy-unique-delicious as far as parties go. We have broken down this behemoth of a list by first featuring a variety of trucks and then we break all this fun into categories so you can quickly get to the foods that interest you: Pizza, Tacos/Mexican, BBQ, Ethnic, Lobster/Seafood, All-American, Plant-Based/Alternative Diet, Ice Cream/Sweets, Coffee/Cocktails & Beer. Happy summer, everyone, roll on!

Enjoy our guide to 100+ Connecticut Food Trucks!

8 Home Meal Delivery Services in Connecticut: Don't Cook! Order Up!

Features Home Delivery Meal Delivery Delivery Service Prepared Food Best of CT Roundup Highlight

April Guilbault

Tired of cooking? Or maybe you love to cook but just can’t face the stove one…more…night. There are a million reasons why help is sometimes needed in the kitchen: a dear friend had a baby and hasn’t slept in 3 weeks, a neighbor is sick, your parents are getting older and you want to make sure they eat well, you’ve been away on vacation and would love to have some meals for when you return, or, well, you’re just plain sick of cooking (as we mentioned). It is vacation time, after all. Whether you need prepared meals for someone special or just to supplement your own cooking and streamline life a bit, there are plenty of options that make it easy. And delish! That’s precisely why we are highlighting these eight fantastic services. Some cater to dietary needs, some focus on local or organic ingredients, and all offer many tasty options to satisfy.

Here are 8 home meal delivery services we have enjoyed in Connecticut.

45+ CT Restaurants & Caterers for Mother's Day (2022 Edition)

Features Restaurant Mother's Day Roundup Brunch Homepage

April Guilbault

For the giant purses stuffed with everything from snacks to bandaids, hair ties and toys, for the endless wiping of stuffy noses, the endless chauffeuring, the thoughtful advice on just about everything, the laughs and giggles and fun, the ever-listening ear, the big, enveloping hugs just when they were needed, the bowls of soup when you didn’t feel well, the shoulder to cry on, the craft projects during school vacations that killed some time and made a mess, the puddle-jumping on rainy days, the shivering on cold benches during long lacrosse games, the cheerleading from your biggest fan, the notes of encouragement in college care-packages filled with all your favorite things and…for all the things yet to come.

We love you, Moms, in all of your many, wonderful forms.

CT Guide To 35+ Spots for Healthy Eats & Wellness: Markets, Apothecaries, Nutritionists, Spice Shops, Juice, Teas and More

Features Restaurant Ingredients Healthy Eats Juice Bar Specialty Market Spices Tea Acai Bowl Smoothies Health & Wellness Roundup Homepage Highlight

April Guilbault

We are officially into winter and, in addition to the regular flus and colds, all that other “stuff” is still swirling around. Behold, a listing of establishments where you can grab healthy eats, products, and even some classes that will boost your immunity and overall health in an attempt to steel you against whatever might endeavor to chase you. From the humble elderberry and cup of tea to stores that stock all manner of healthy living goods and purveyors specializing in quality goods for your wellness, we want to help you stack the deck in your favor this season.

Here are 35+ Spots for Healthy Eats & Wellness: Markets, Apothecaries, Nutritionists, Spice Shops, Juice, Teas and More!

CTbites Staff Picks For Top Eats of 2021 (Plus Special Guest Eaters)

Features Restaurant Top Eats Best of CT Roundup Homepage

Stephanie Webster

It’s that time of year, when the CTbites staff temporarily puts down our forks, and contemplates our most memorable annual eats. In 2021, much like the year prior, food was critical to our collective covid endurance. Connecticut restaurants struggled with both labor and supply shortages, and yet, chefs continued to create memorable and beautiful dishes that gave diners something to look forward to and savor. Bravo to the CT culinary scene for making it through another challenging year, and to you, the diners, who supported this industry.

Here are the very best things we ate in 2021.

50+ CT Restaurants To Celebrate New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day (2021 Edition)

Features Holiday New Years Roundup Homepage Events

April Guilbault

Here we go again, roaring into the 20s, this time #22! To celebrate this flip of the calendar, whether you choose to dine out or partake in a delicious and fun takeout with friends or family, there are a myriad of delicious menus and restaurant events that await you as we kiss goodbye one year and welcome another. Raise that glass, belt out Auld Lang Syne, hope for the best, and support our favorite restaurants while we do! Happy 2022, everyone. May we all have a happy, healthy, and delicious New Year (fingers crossed).

2021 Connecticut Food Truck Guide: 100+ Local Food Trucks

Features Restaurant Food Truck Food Truck Park Catering Homepage Best of CT Roundup

April Guilbault

Ok folks, LET’S GET ROLLIN’! Summer is here and it’s looking like it might be a helluva lot better than the last one. Halle-freakin-lujah! Events? Parties? Going out to eat in public? Could it be? Let’s refresh our memories and gild them with bites of pure deliciousness. Saunter up to these ever-popular trucks when you are out and about or have one roll right into your own yard or venue! Let’s spin into a new, sunny summer with a drink in hand, tasty food on our plates, and friends by our side (after we’ve given them a big hug)!

45+ CT Caterers, Restaurants, & Sports Bars for Super Bowl 2021

Features Restaurant Super Bowl Catering Roundup Homepage

April Guilbault

Instead of the usual sports equipment, players, and fans, Super Bowl 55 will also be brimming with masks, wipes, sanitizers and safety cards this year. The stadium will be 1/3 full and sitting next to those real folks will be cardboard cutouts of more “fans”. Where is Flat Stanley when we need him? We can only hope a flat Bernie will be somewhere in that crowd. Pandemic aside, one bit of equipment for *any* Super Bowl remains the same: food. And lots of it. Crammed in a stadium or at home with just your pod, food reigns supreme on Super Bowl Sunday and Connecticut eateries and caterers are offering great packages for you (and Bernie. And Stanley). So eat up, cheer loud, and thank the heavens above that there are only cardboard cutouts of fans, not food!

Here are 45+ Restaurants, Sports Bars, and Caterers for Super Bowl 2021.

CTbites Staff Picks For Top Eats of 2020 (Plus Special Guest Eaters)

Features Restaurant Best of CT Roundup Top Eats Homepage

Stephanie Webster

Ok, let’s face it…2020 was no bueno, and the restaurant industry was one of the hardest hit. In an effort to normalize a year where nothing feels normal, we leaned heavily on America’s favorite past time…eating. Whether we comforted ourselves with homemade bagels or ordered takeout to support our local restaurants, food was critical to our collective covid endurance.

While we would all like 2020 to dissolve into the depths of history, and never look back, it is that time of year when the CTbites staff temporarily puts down our forks and contemplates our most memorable annual eats. In the spirit of 2020 and the restaurant community that came together to support one another, we have added something special for you this year. We invited a few friends from the Connecticut blogging and social media scene to join in our Top Eats roundup. Start drooling and take notes.

Here are the very best things we ate in 2020.